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Farafina entre en scène…

Le groupe mythique de musique africaine FARAFINA revient déclencher ses feux d’artifices rythmiques sur les scènes du monde et vous entraîner dans ses danses irrésistibles. 

Originaire du Burkina-Faso, FARAFINA fait dialoguer en son sein trois générations de compositeurs interprètes rassemblés en un noyau de huit musiciens. Depuis 35 ans, FARAFINA développe ses musiques sur des instruments traditionnels. Chants, danses, choeurs puisent leur inspiration au plus profond de la tradition musicale de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, les patrimoines sonores et poétiques bobo, boiba, dioula, mandingue, mossi, peul, sénoufo… Les compositions de FARAFINA parlent sans ambages du monde d’aujourd’hui, des mutations de la société africaine mondialisée et des transmissions intergénérationnelles.
FARAFINA développe un répertoire qui s’inspire des registres du jazz, faisant la part belle aux solos. Son ancrage dans la tradition africaine allié à son ouverture d’esprit a généré des collaborations avec des musiciens aussi divers que Jon Hassell, les Rolling Stones, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Daniel Lanois, Billy Cobham, et bien d’autres encore. Leur histoire vibre des concerts donnés de par le monde, du Montreux Jazz au Lincoln Center à New-York, de Vancouver au Japon, des scènes des festivals Womad à celle du Philharmonique de Berlin.


La Compagnie Farafina organise la production des tournées à venir, ainsi que la conduite des projets artistiques et pédagogiques de FARAFINA. 

Management :
Compagnie Farafina
Case postale 255 – 1800 Vevey – Suisse
Tel: (+41) 21 923 63 63


Farafina back on stage…

In 2014, the legendary African group FARAFINA returns to world stages to set off its rhythmic fireworks and pull you into its irresistible dances. FARAFINA is now working with a new management and booking team.

Hailing from Burkina-Faso, FARAFINA brings together three generations of songwriters-performers in a core of eight musicians. For 35 years, FARAFINA has developed its music on traditional instruments. Chants, dances, and choruses draw inspiration from deep down in the musical tradition of West Africa, in the sound and poetic heritage of the Bobo, Dyula, Mandinka, Mossi, Fula, and Senufo peoples.
FARAFINA’s compositions speak bluntly of today’s world, of the mutations of globalized African society, and of transmission between generations. FARAFINA’s repertoire takes inspiration from jazz, showcasing solos. Its roots in African tradition combined with its openness have led to collaborations with musicians as diverse as Jon Hassell, the Rolling Stones, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Daniel Lanois, Billy Cobham, and many others. Their history is rich with concerts given around the world, from Montreux Jazz to Lincoln Center in New York, from Vancouver to Japan, from the stages of WOMAD festivals to that of the Berlin Philharmonic.
Their 2013 concerts provoked contagious enthusiasm in their audiences, and it is a great pleasure for us to give you the opportunity to share the FARAFINA experience with your audiences.


A new production, management, and booking structure, Compagnie Farafina is now handling FARAFINA’s tours, as well as managing its artistic and educational projects. The structure was created by Souleymane Sanou aka Mani, and the FARAFINA musicians, in partnership with their first managers, Michel Schaer and Heinz Dill, joined six years ago by Mélane Baumgartner.

International management and booking
Compagnie Farafina
Case postale 255 – 1800 Vevey – Suisse
Cell: +41 77 474 30 24
Heinz Dill, manager of FARAFINA, is present at WOMEX
from 24 to 27 October 2013.
Cell: +41 79 202 52 69
